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  • This view service is maintained for Osiris backward compatibility. Please do not use for a new application.

  • This download service is maintained for Osiris backward compatibility. Please do not use for a new application.

  • The "UrbIS - Contour lines" product represents the elevation of the Brussels region by means of contour lines with intervals of 0.5 metres. The dataset is freely downloadable as a zipped file.

  • This view service allows, by means of a formatted URL, to display the address points of the region Brussels, included in the BeSt Address dataset, the authentic source for the Brussels Region.

  • This dataset includes the RGB & NI (Red, Green, Blue and Near-Infrared) orthophotos created in 2022. The images cover the entire Brussels Capital Region, with a resolution of 5 centimeters. The dataset is freely downloadable as a zipped file.

  • This view service allows, by means of a formatted URL, to display all the UrbIS vectorial datasets.

  • This download service allows, by means of a formatted URL, to download any object of the UrbIS Topo reference vector dataset.

  • This view service allows, by means of a formatted URL, to display the UrbIS Topo reference vector dataset.

  • This view service allows, by means of a formatted URL, to display the statistical zones of the Brussels-Capital Region maintained by the Brussels institute for statistics and analysis.

  • This view service allows, by means of a formatted URL, to display all the 2D vectorial datasets that compose UrbIS M7.